Whisky River Candle

Youngest candle Well, your brother needs new shoes. Mom packed lunches, signed permission slips, and dropped off your siblings at school before moseying down to the hospital for your arrival, so the story goes. And you consider yourself lucky that someone even remembered to take you home. But don't worry, your turn will come someday. In the meantime, dig through this pile of hand-me-downs for new school clothes, oh, and could you please do it in your corner of the room where you won't be in everyone's way? Baby Lotion Scented Candle Net Weight: Approximately 17 oz. Burn time: 60 hours Note: Because all of our candles are handmade, no two are identical.

Smells like a second or third or fourth job.

Burning the candle at both ends? Dealing with the virtual hell of remote learning? Have your kids finally outsmarted you once and for all? Our Parent Teachers Candle will spark laughter, while masking the smell of your burning desire to run for the hills.

  • A gift that’s virtually impossible to beat
  • Green Spring Scented
  • Hand-poured 100% soy wax candle
  • Double wick burn time: 60 hours
  • Unlike you, this candle does not burn from both ends

A hilarious gift idea for parents with a terrific sense of humor, and an equal amount of stress. Laughter and relaxation all rolled into one. Yankee Candle ain't got nothing on this gem!

Parent Teachers Candle is handmade, no two are identical. 17 oz. Burn time is approx. 60 hours. Green Spring scented.